When deeds and words are in accord, the whole world is transformed.
ZHUANGZIEach one’s destiny cannot be altered.
More Zhuangzi Quotes
During our dreams we do not know we are dreaming. We may even dream of interpreting a dream. Only on waking do we know it was a dream. Only after the great awakening will we realize that this is the great dream.
My opinion is that you never find happiness until you stop looking for it.
Listening stops with the ears, the mind stops with recognition, but spirit is empty and waits on all things.
If water derives lucidity from stillness, how much more the faculties of the mind.
We cling to our own point of view, as though everything depended on it. Yet our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away.
The saying goes, ‘The sage rests, truly rests and is at ease.’ This manifests itself in calmness and detachment, so that worries and distress cannot affect him, nothing unpleasant can disturb him, his Virtue is complete and his spirit is not stirred up.
When an archer shoots for enjoyment, he has all his skill; when he shoots for a brass buckle, he gets nervous; when he shoots for a prize of gold, he begins to see two targets.
Do not struggle. Go with the flow of things, and you will find yourself at one with the mysterious unity of the Universe.
The eye is a menace to clear sight, the ear is a menace to subtle hearing, the mind is a menace to wisdom, every organ of the senses is a menace to its own capacity.
If you have grasped the purpose of life there is no point in trying to make life into something it is not or cannot be.
Can a man cling to the positive without any negative in contrast to which it is seen to be positive? If he claims to do so he is a rouge or a madman.
Good fortune is as light as a feather, but nobody knows how to pick it up. Misfortune is as heavy as earth, but nobody knows how to stay out of it’s way.
Verily God does not reward man for what he does, but for what he is.
Perfect happiness is the absence of striving for happiness.
A petty thief is put in jail. A great brigand becomes a ruler of a Nation.