When affirmation and negation came into being, Tao faded. After Tao faded, then came one-sided attachments.
ZHUANGZIOnce Zhuangzi dreamt he was a butterfly.
More Zhuangzi Quotes
To have attained to the human form is a source of joy. What an incomparable bliss it is to undergo these countless transitions.
The ultimate happiness is doing nothing.
If water derives lucidity from stillness, how much more the faculties of the mind.
The right way to go easy is to forget the right way.
Only fools imagine they are already awake. How clearly they understand everything! How easily they distinguish this deception from that reality!
The eyes envy the mind.
Look at this window: it is nothing but a hole in the wall, but because of it the whole room is full of light. So when the faculties are empty, the heart is full of light.
Compare birth with death, compare death with life; compare what is possible with what is not possible and compare what is not possible with what is possible; because there is, there is not, and because there is not, there is.
When there is no more separation between ‘this’ and ‘that,’ it is called the still-point of the Tao. At the still point in the center of the circle one can see the infinite in all things.
When the shoe fits, the foot is forgotten. When the belt fits, the belly is forgotten. When the heart is right, “for” and “against” are forgotten. No drives, no compulsions, no needs, no attractions: Then your affairs are under control. You are a free man.
He who pursues fame at the risk of losing his self is not a scholar.
All men know the utility of useful things; but they do not know the utility of futility.
Take care of your body, then the rest will automatically become stronger.
Do not let the artificial obliterate the natural; do not let will obliterate destiny; do not let virtue be sacrificed to fame.
To exercise no-thought and rest in nothing is the first step toward resting in Tao. To start from nowhere and follow no road is the first step toward attaining Tao.