My return to the theater in New York was so specific. I didn’t want it to be about leveraging my exposure or my fame, so the first show I did in New York was an ensemble piece at an Off-Broadway theater, and I wanted to make sure that it was just about the play and about the experience.
ZACHARY QUINTOI would say auditioning was my real training ground. The technical aspects – like hitting marks and pacing yourself and preparing and dealing with the downtime – the first recurring role I had on 24 was probably the way I learned that stuff.
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I would love to be a voice in this maelstrom of chaos and obsessive celebrity infatuation that says, ‘Let’s talk about something that matters’.
When I got out of school, it used to be that it was theater actors that ended up doing film and television, and you had to come from the theater to be taken seriously in that world.
I would say auditioning was my real training ground. The technical aspects – like hitting marks and pacing yourself and preparing and dealing with the downtime – the first recurring role I had on 24 was probably the way I learned that stuff.
Exercise is an important element of being an actor, on any level.
I changed all my passwords. I have no any two passwords that are the same for any service online. I have two-step verification enabled on all my devices…so yeah, I did take some extra steps that I hadn’t taken before being exposed to this world.
I loved auditioning because it was just an opportunity to act. Whether or not I got the job was the next hurdle, but the idea that I would get to act that day was the thing that excited me the most about it.
I found myself in a pattern of being attracted to people who were somehow unavailable, and what I realized was that I was protecting myself because I equate the idea of connection and love with trauma and death.
Heroes and Star Trek were 2006 and 2007, and I was just about to turn 30, and everything changed. I found myself on this amazing journey, which continues, but it’s now at a natural transition point. I’m reevaluating and reexamining how and where I go from here.
Heroes’ really changed the game for me in a way that nothing before it had.
I’ve had some pretty stimulating conversations about where we are politically as a result of this movie [Snowden], but then there are a lot of questions just about that sensationalism of it.
It is my intention to live an authentic life of compassion and integrity and action.
The advancement of technology has probably guided us more than anything else in one direction or another. I don’t know, it’s hard to say. We’re so much more connected, but we’ve never been more fractured as a culture.
But when I found out that Jamey Rodemeyer had made an It Gets Better video only months before taking his own life, I felt indescribable despair.
I’m a big believer in the notion that our greatest potential lies in our darkest parts. To a certain extent it’s only in facing those parts of ourselves that we can truly grow, and I think that’s true of all of the characters I’ve played, certainly in the past few years.
It’s a very complicated landscape and I don’t think there’s one easy answer about it [Edard Snowden movie].