The coming of honor or disgrace must be a reflection of one’s inner power.
XUNZITherefore, a person should first be changed by a teacher’s instructions, and guided by principles of ritual. Only then can he observe the rules of courtesy and humility, obey the conventions and rules of society, and achieve order.
More Xunzi Quotes
I once tried thinking for an entire day, but I found it less valuable than one moment of study.
When people lack teachers, their tendencies are not corrected; when they do not have ritual and moral principles, then their lawlessness is not controlled.
Men of all social stations live together: they are equal in their desires, yet vary in their methods; they are equal in their passions, yet different in their intelligence; that is their nature-given vitality.
I once tried standing up on my toes to see far out in the distance, but I found that I could see much farther by climbing to a high place.
If the blood humor is too strong and robust, calm it with balance and harmony.
You look upon the seasons with expectation and await them: wy not seize the seasonal opportunities and exploit them?
When you concentrate on agriculture and industry and are frugal in expenditures, Heaven cannot impoverish your state.
If what the heart approves conforms to proper patterns, then even if one’s desires are many, what harm would they be to good order?
Human nature refers to what is in people but which they cannot study or work at achieving.
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
They are done merely for ornament. … the common people regard them as supernatural.
Not having heard something is not as good as having heard it; having heard it is not as good as having seen it; having seen it is not as good as knowing it; knowing it is not as good as putting it into practice.
The noble person uses things; the lesser man is used by things.
If knowledge and foresight are too penetrating and deep, unify them with ease and sincerity.
Thus, that one can find no place to walk through the breadth of the earth is not because the earth is not tranquil but because the danger to every step of the traveler lies generally with words.