Do you not take him to be just who commits no manner of injustice?
XENOPHONLet No One Fall Idle.
More Xenophon Quotes
In the Face of Danger, Be Eager, Not Intimidated.
He had put on the best-looking uniform that he could, thinking that, victory deserved the best-looking armour.
A Number of Friends is of more Worth than a Flock of Sheep, or of Goats, or than a Herd of Oxen.
We call a Man ungrateful, answered who having received a kindness, does not return the like, if occasion off ere.
Excess of grief for the dead is madness; for it is an injury to the living, and the dead know it not.
And even as you’re working to ensure the health of your army, you must remember to take care of your own.
Moderation in all things healthful; total abstinence from all things harmful.
We’re all going to die, but does that mean we have to be buried alive?
Battles are decided more by the morale of the troops than by their bodily strength.
Anyone who imprisoned people on the ground of ignorance might fairly be confined himself by those who understood what he did not.
Early on, you can expect no one to believe in your destiny as much as yourself.
Separated from Hellas by more than a thousand miles, they had not even a guide to point the way.
Men, the enemy troops you can see are all that stands between us and the place we have for so long been determined to reach. We must find a way to eat them alive!
Self-confidence should always ride side by side with a strong sense of humility.
It is no disgrace but honorable rather to steal, except such things as the law forbids.