Perhaps their attacks on my character meant that the hour was ripe for my career to begin in earnest.
XENOPHONWe call a Man ungrateful, answered who having received a kindness, does not return the like, if occasion off ere.
More Xenophon Quotes
Men, the enemy troops you can see are all that stands between us and the place we have for so long been determined to reach. We must find a way to eat them alive!
And in general, every ordinance made without the consent of those who are to obey it, is a violence rather than a law.
When a horse wants to display himself, he lifts his neck up high and flexes his poll haughtily, and picks his legs up freely, and keeps his tail up.
Nothing that is really good and admirable is granted by the gods to men without some effort and application.
Do you not take him to be just who commits no manner of injustice?
Separated from Hellas by more than a thousand miles, they had not even a guide to point the way.
It is no disgrace but honorable rather to steal, except such things as the law forbids.
It is better said Socrates, to change an Opinion, than to persist in a wrong one.
Let Your Tools Be Equal to the Task.
Excess of grief for the dead is madness; for it is an injury to the living, and the dead know it not.
Most of us are always trying to increase our wealth, but you and your officers seem far more concerned with perfecting your souls.
No human being will ever know the truth, for even if they happened to say it by chance, they would not know they had done so.
A Number of Friends is of more Worth than a Flock of Sheep, or of Goats, or than a Herd of Oxen.
In the Face of Danger, Be Eager, Not Intimidated.
The man who doesn’t know his own ability is ignorant of himself.