Perhaps their attacks on my character meant that the hour was ripe for my career to begin in earnest.
XENOPHONPeople often say what is right and do what is wrong; but nobody can be in the wrong if he is doing what is right.
More Xenophon Quotes
Well-Trained Personnel Always Come Through in a Pinch.
He who marries a beautiful woman in hopes of being happy with her knows not but that even she herself may be the cause of all his uneasinesses.
Let No One Fall Idle.
Nothing that is really good and admirable is granted by the gods to men without some effort and application.
Whether in industry or in politics, leaders should be building a new, more flexible order for the imperiled generations to come.
And even as you’re working to ensure the health of your army, you must remember to take care of your own.
Let Your Tools Be Equal to the Task.
Anything forced is not beautiful.
Self-confidence should always ride side by side with a strong sense of humility.
If I die innocent the shame will fall on those who are the cause of my death, since all sort of iniquity is attended with shame.
Whatever you determine to be right, with diligence endeavour to perform.
When a horse wants to display himself, he lifts his neck up high and flexes his poll haughtily, and picks his legs up freely, and keeps his tail up.
It is better said Socrates, to change an Opinion, than to persist in a wrong one.
If you consider what are called the virtues in mankind, you will find their growth is assisted by education and cultivation.
I am a stranger in all countries.