It is no disgrace but honorable rather to steal, except such things as the law forbids.
XENOPHONBattles are decided more by the morale of the troops than by their bodily strength.
More Xenophon Quotes
We’re all going to die, but does that mean we have to be buried alive?
Whether in industry or in politics, leaders should be building a new, more flexible order for the imperiled generations to come.
Battles are decided more by the morale of the troops than by their bodily strength.
And in general, every ordinance made without the consent of those who are to obey it, is a violence rather than a law.
Most people, when they are set upon looking into other people’s affairs, never turn to examine themselves.
Your game is to attack on whichever flank you can best conceal your advance, or, still better, on both flanks simultaneously.
Let Your Tools Be Equal to the Task.
Most of us are always trying to increase our wealth, but you and your officers seem far more concerned with perfecting your souls.
If I die innocent the shame will fall on those who are the cause of my death, since all sort of iniquity is attended with shame.
Perhaps their attacks on my character meant that the hour was ripe for my career to begin in earnest.
Seize the Unexpected Opportunity.
Whatever you determine to be right, with diligence endeavour to perform.
We call a Man ungrateful, answered who having received a kindness, does not return the like, if occasion off ere.
Separated from Hellas by more than a thousand miles, they had not even a guide to point the way.
He who marries a beautiful woman in hopes of being happy with her knows not but that even she herself may be the cause of all his uneasinesses.