If oxen and lions had hands and could paint with their hands and produce works of art, as men do, horses would paint the forms of the gods likes horses and oxen like oxen.
XENOPHANESEach would represent them with bodies according to the bodies of each. So the Ethiopians make their gods black and snub-nosed; the Thracians give theirs red hair and blue eyes.
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If oxen and horses and lions could draw and paint, they would delineate the gods in their own image.
No man knows distinctly anything, and no man ever will.
Each would represent them with bodies according to the bodies of each. So the Ethiopians make their gods black and snub-nosed; the Thracians give theirs red hair and blue eyes.
For we are all sprung from earth and water
Homer and Hesiod attributed to the gods all things which are disreputable and worthy of blame when done by men; and they told of them many lawless deeds, stealing, adultery, and deception of each other.
The sun comes into being each day from little pieces of fire that are collected.
God is one, greatest of gods and men, not like mortals in body or thought.
The Ethiopians say that their gods are snub-nosed and black the Thracians that theirs have light blue eyes and red hair.
This upper limit, of earth at our feet is visible and touches the air, but below it reaches to infinity
No human being will ever know the truth, for even if they happen to say it by chance, they would not even know they had done so.
It isn’t right to judge strength as better than good wisdom.
Ethiopians imagine their gods as black and snub-nosed; Thracians blue-eyed and red-haired. But if horses or lions had hands, or could draw and fashion works as men do, horses would draw the gods shaped like horses and lions like lions, making the gods resemble themselves.
For if there should be in the city [any athlete whose skill] is honoured more than strength … the city would not on that account be any better governed.