Why does winter feel like one big Tuesday? Happy Tuesday!
More Tuesday Wishes
It’s Tuesday! And because it is Choose DAY: choose to smile, be happy, be love, bless, be blessed, be humble, be patient, and be kind. Happy Tuesday!
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. Happy Tuesday!
Tuesday morning is a time to reflect upon what to include in your team meetings; it is your time to deliver words of passion that speak to the dazzling new roads ahead where each person is accountable for their own actions and behaviors; where each day represents a fresh start to be a positive influence; and, where self is expressed as unselfishness with each person you meet. Happy Tuesday!
We never know what a week from next Tuesday is going to hold. It may be an ordinary day filled with quite regular activities and demands. Most of the time that is exactly what a week from next Tuesday will hold. Happy Tuesday!
It’s coffee and I need some Tuesday. Oh wait, no. It’s Tuesday and I need some coffee. Happy Tuesday!
Each day of the week is special in its own way and brings us a different set of challenges. Among them, Tuesday seems like the poorer relative, but in fact, it is one of the days when most things are accomplished and when many things are ticked off the list. Happy Tuesday!
It is easy to hate Tuesdays, but actually, Tuesdays are friendlier than Mondays. Tuesday can be quite fun once we accept that the weekend is gone and that we need to start giving our best again. Tuesday is a working day, but work can also be exciting. Happy Tuesday!
We often think that we need special celebrations to spoil ourselves. However, what better occasion to spoil ourselves and to inject some enthusiasm into our lives other than a regular Tuesday? It is in these regular moments that we actually need the enforcement of happiness. Happy Tuesday!
Start your day with these words: today is going to be a good Tuesday! And this morning is going to be an awesome one. Happy Tuesday!
There was a time when people didn’t go out of their house on Tuesday night at eight o’clock because Milton Berle was on. Happy Tuesday!
Every day brings challenges, so on this Tuesday walk around them. Happy Tuesday!
This Tuesday morning, fill your heart with what’s important. Happy Tuesday!
Tuesday is the day we actually start the week, Monday we just deal with the depression of the Sunday ending. Happy Tuesday!
If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living. Happy Tuesday!
Tuesday is a huge day. Happy Tuesday!
Tuesday is the most sensible day of the week. Happy Tuesday!
Three horrible facts about Tuesday: 1. Today is not Friday 2. Tomorrow is not Friday 3. Even the day after tomorrow is not Friday. Happy Tuesday!
Tuesday is a great day for deadlines because it is the day when people realize that, after a long weekend and a boring Monday, they really must get back to work and do something productive. A deadline on Tuesday reminds us of our responsibilities. Happy Tuesday!
Hold onto positive things that elevate your spirit and be with positive people. Happy Tuesday!
It’s Tuesday! Worry less, live more. Happy Tuesday!
I am having Friday feeling towards Tuesday. Happy Tuesday!
In my time, we didn’t know songs could last. All we ever thought of was next Tuesday. You never imagined a future. Happy Tuesday!
This Tuesday think about the books you are reading, the TV you are watching, the music you are listening to and ask yourself the question “is it positive”? Happy Tuesday!
On this beautiful Tuesday, choose joy instead of negativity. Happy Tuesday!
Always remember that an attitude is contagious, so remember to maintain a positive attitude. Happy Tuesday!
You choose the life you live. If you don’t like it, it’s on you to change it because no one else is going to do it for you. Happy Tuesday!
Happy Tuesday! We are responsible for peace and order in our lives! When your world is CONSTANTLY filled with chaos, then it’s time to take a look at SELF! Happy Tuesday!