Concentrate on your job and you will forget your other troubles.
WILLIAM FEATHERConcentrate on your job and you will forget your other troubles.
WILLIAM FEATHERNext to a sincere compliment, I think I like a well-deserved and honest rebuke.
WILLIAM FEATHERSuccess seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.
WILLIAM FEATHERThe prizes go to those who meet emergencies successfully. And the way to meet emergencies is to do each daily task the best we can.
WILLIAM FEATHEROne way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.
WILLIAM FEATHERBooks open your mind, broaden your mind, and strengthen you as nothing else can.
WILLIAM FEATHERSetting a good example for your children takes all the fun out of middle age.
WILLIAM FEATHERWe always admire the other person more after we’ve tried to do his job.
WILLIAM FEATHERThe tragedy is that so many have ambition and so few have ability.
WILLIAM FEATHERSome people are making such thorough preparation for rainy days that they aren’t enjoying today’s sunshine.
WILLIAM FEATHERThe philosophy behind much advertising is based on the old observation that every man is really two men – the man he is and the man he wants to be.
WILLIAM FEATHERThe reward of energy, enterprise and thrift is taxes.
WILLIAM FEATHERIf we do not discipline ourselves the world will do it for us.
WILLIAM FEATHERThat they may have a little peace, even the best dogs are compelled to snarl occasionally.
WILLIAM FEATHERHere is the secret of inspiration: Tell yourself that thousands and tens of thousands of people, not very intelligent and certainly no more intelligent than the rest of us, have mastered problems as difficult as those that now baffle you.
WILLIAM FEATHEROne of the many things nobody ever tells you about middle age is that it’s such a nice change from being young.