If you have two religions in your land, the two will cut each other’s throats; but if you have thirty religions, they will dwell in peace.
VOLTAIREEach player must accept the cards life deals him or her; but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game.
More Voltaire Quotes
When it is a question of money, everybody is of the same religion.
Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool.
Sensual pleasure passes and vanishes, but the friendship between us, the mutual confidence, the delight of the heart, the enchantment of the soul, these things do not perish and can never be destroyed.
Minds differ still more than faces.
I don’t know where I am going, but I am on my way.
It is hard to free fools from the chains they revere.
He must be very ignorant for he answers every question he is asked.
Perfect is the enemy of good.
There are truths which are not for all men, nor for all times.
The human brain is a complex organ with the wonderful power of enabling man to find reasons for continuing to believe whatever it is that he wants to believe.
Reading nurtures the soul, and an enlightened friend brings it solace.
It is with books as with men: a very small number play a great part.
If God created us in his own image, we have more than reciprocated.
Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.
Our wretched species is so made that those who walk on the well-trodden path always throw stones at those who are showing a new road.