These poets and their metaphors lied to me/ you never felt like a mountain I wished to climb/ or a stream I would let myself float in/ or a scent I was dying to bottle in/ these poets lie when they talk of love.
VESMIRSo, what ruined you? -hope.
More Vesmir Quotes
My god! this love it will make a fool out of us all.
Stop giving your infant heart/ wrapped in blind vows/ white lies/ and a haunted past/ stop asking for love/ if you don’t know how to give any/ stop hurting others/ stop it/ stop it/ just fucking stop it.
Growing flowers on your tongue/ won’t make those lies/ any sweet/ saying that you still/ love me/ won’t make this/ broken trust/ change how it feels.
For once I wanna look back and not sigh.
The voices in your head are lying, i tell you this world never stopped you from flying.
You don’t know how to love, so you give it all. But isn’t that how one should love? by giving all of it.
I am not home for somebody else’s trauma.
Those that are drunk in love, shall forever talk to the moon.
I want to know the 2 am you because my love we all are different when we are at war under the sun.
And that is how time heals, not by erasing but by blurring all the memories.
Too much of what I write takes me back to you.
Hold on/ not because life will get any better/ but it’s 10 mins to sunset/ and I was wondering if we could go for ice creams afterwards
So, what ruined you? -hope.
I will feel whatever the fuck I want to feel.
Even if you look for peace in the places you won the war, you will not find any.