Whatever character you play, remember they are always doing something they are not just talking.
TOM HARDYWhatever character you play, remember they are always doing something they are not just talking.
TOM HARDYI’m not a big guy anyway. I’m only, what, 150 pounds? I was 190 for ‘Batman,’ 179 for ‘Warrior.’ Films make you look big.
TOM HARDYDavid Mamet we all know is a great screenplay writer and playwright and a great director. If you like him, you like him. If you hate him, you really hate him. He’s someone who’s into controversy, you know what I mean? That’s David Mamet.
TOM HARDYI have a very busy head. I have inside voices that I have learned to contain.
TOM HARDYI love people. People are lovely creatures. I’m one myself, so I love to see people happy.
TOM HARDYI think online dating is a way of procuring people. Like Facebook and Myspace, it’s the way that people connect now and procure small children and sometimes dodgy relationships. I don’t think it’s very healthy.
TOM HARDYI liked you better when you were drunk .
TOM HARDYIt’s much less daunting once you’ve put your foot on the road to it. I’m a notorious couch potato and I don’t like exercise. Half an hour of physical exercise, like jogging or fast walking a day is a start.
TOM HARDYI think it’s important that you always transform if you can. That’s what I was trained to do. You try and hide yourself as much as you can – that’s the key to longevity.
TOM HARDYI guess if I had fifty million dollars I could spend more time at home.
TOM HARDYOnline dating is cool but I think Myspace and Facebook is a little bit off key.
TOM HARDYI had a huge imagination. My granddad says I was a bit of a Walter Mitty character.
TOM HARDYIf you look round Hollywood there’s no end of white smiles and six packs. Long lines of beautiful people lining up to be incredible on film.
TOM HARDYThe Long Red Road is a story about alcoholism and dysfunction and tragic tale of a man who’s trying to drink himself to death on an Indian reservation in Dakota. It was written for me, so it’s something I would love to do.
TOM HARDYIt doesn’t matter who you are. What matters is your plan.
TOM HARDYI’m into parlor dramas. I’m into theatre. I’m trained for the stage. I trained to do Chekhov and Shakespeare, I was trained for the stage.