To be loved by a poet is to find love hidden in between the lines of many things.
TMCI’m not afraid of the chance at loving you, I’m only afraid of what it could do to me.
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She is an all-encompassing enigma of beauty and madness don’t attempt to tie her down.
I’ll never regret loving you, I’ll only regret how long I allowed myself to be fooled.
She is a different breed of passion, she went out not with a bang but with a moan.
He could tell she was a little risky but he often enjoyed the taste of danger.
Kiss me with those lips burn forever into my skin envelop me within your love until I am whole again.
You flowed into me so delicately, like a beautiful twist of fate. I inspired you as you moved me in an alluring turn of phrase.
There is no love affair held in these hands. I am reminded of this time and again.
If I have lived my life suffering for others then I have lived a life a grace.
You left me in such a state of dire misconception that now I am doubting even my own reflection.
All of the pain she had endured only makes her beauty shine through more.
Do your worst, reach deep inside of me now, tell me how do I feel?
You can’t help when the pain heals as you can’t stop what the heart feels.
My arms grieve a love that took shape in the form of you.
When I look to my heart for answers your face is all I can see.
You led me to this addiction and my drug of choice if you.