Money isn’t an idol. It just shows you where your idols are.
TIMOTHY KELLERMoney isn’t an idol. It just shows you where your idols are.
TIMOTHY KELLERWe have to be careful not to elevate our preferences to moral standards and judge others by them. We only do so to feel superior.
TIMOTHY KELLERYou are more sinful than you could dare imagine and you are more loved and accepted than you could ever dare hope.
TIMOTHY KELLERJesus Christ did not suffer so that you would not suffer. He suffered so that when you suffer, you’ll become more like him.
TIMOTHY KELLERTo discover the real you, look at what you spend time thinking about when no one is looking.
TIMOTHY KELLER…Singles, too, must see the penultimate status of marriage. If single Christians don’t develop a deeply fulfilling love relationship with Jesus, they will put too much pressure on their DREAM of marriage, and that will create pathology in their lives as well.
TIMOTHY KELLERWhat you do today is shaped by what you believe about tomorrow.
TIMOTHY KELLERReligion makes us proud of what we have done. The Gospel makes us proud of what Jesus has done.
TIMOTHY KELLERAll human problems are ultimately symptoms, and our separation from God is the cause.
TIMOTHY KELLERWhen we grasp that we are unworthy sinners saved by an infinitely costly grace, it destroys both our self-righteousn ess and our need to ridicule others.
TIMOTHY KELLERYou are a totally loved moral failure.
TIMOTHY KELLERWe are regularly in danger of having too light a view of our sin and also too light a grasp of what Jesus has done to free us from our sin.
TIMOTHY KELLERThe Gospel is that Jesus Christ came to earth, lived the life we should have lived and died the death we should have died.
TIMOTHY KELLERGod sees us as we are, loves us as we are, and accepts us as we are. But by His grace, He does not leave us as we are.
TIMOTHY KELLERThe gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe.
TIMOTHY KELLERLove without truth is sentimentality; it supports and affirms us but keeps us in denial about our flaws. Truth without love is harshness; it gives us information but in such a way that we cannot really hear it.