Hope, danger’s comforter.
THUCYDIDESPeople get into the habit of entrusting the things they desire to wishful thinking, and subjecting things they don’t desire to exhaustive thinking.
More Thucydides Quotes
It is men who make a city, not walls or ships.
Be convinced that to be happy means to be free and that to be free means to be brave. Therefore do not take lightly the perils of war.
The secret of happiness is freedom and the secret of freedom is courage.
The Thracian people, like the bloodiest of the barbarians, being ever most murderous when it has nothing to fear.
The strong do what they have to do and the weak accept what they have to accept.
It is frequently a misfortune to have very brilliant men in charge of affairs. They expect too much of ordinary men.
It is a general rule of human nature that people despise those who treat them well, and look up to those who make no concessions.
Indeed it is generally the case that men are readier to call rogues clever than simpletons honest, and are ashamed of being the second as they are proud of being the first.
The whole earth is the sepulchre of famous men.
I have often before now been convinced that a democracy is incapable of empire.
And it is certain that those who do not yield to their equals, who keep terms with their superiors, and are moderate towards their inferiors, on the whole succeed best.
The growth of the power of Athens, and the alarm which this inspired in Sparta, made war inevitable.
He passes through life most securely who has least reason to reproach himself with complaisance toward his enemies.
But the prize for courage will surely be awarded most justly to those who best know the difference between hardship and pleasure and yet are never tempted to shrink from danger.
When will there be justice in Athens? There will be justice in Athens when those who are not injured are as outraged as those who are.