When will there be justice in Athens? There will be justice in Athens when those who are not injured are as outraged as those who are.
THUCYDIDESYou shouldn’t feel sorry for the lifestyle you haven’t tasted, but for the one you are about to lose.
More Thucydides Quotes
Contempt for an assailant is best shown by bravery in action.
I think the two things most opposed to good counsel are haste and passion; haste usaully goes hand in hand with folly, passion with coarseness and narrowness of mind.
Of the gods we believe, and of men we know, that by a necessary law of their nature they rule wherever they can.
Now the only sure basis of an alliance is for each party to be equally afraid of the other.
Speculation is carried on in safety, but, when it comes to action, fear causes failure.
Don’t confuse meaning with truth.
knowing the secret of happiness to be freedom, and the secret of freedom a brave heart, not idly to stand aside from the enemy’s onset.
He passes through life most securely who has least reason to reproach himself with complaisance toward his enemies.
You should punish in the same manner those who commit crimes with those who accuse falsely.
Wars spring from unseen and generally insignificant causes, the first outbreak being often but an explosion of anger.
Of all manifestations of power, restraint impresses men most.
Indeed it is generally the case that men are readier to call rogues clever than simpletons honest, and are ashamed of being the second as they are proud of being the first.
I have often before now been convinced that a democracy is incapable of empire.
Hope, danger’s comforter.
History is Philosophy teaching by example.