He who graduates the harshest school, succeeds.
THUCYDIDESIndeed it is generally the case that men are readier to call rogues clever than simpletons honest, and are ashamed of being the second as they are proud of being the first.
More Thucydides Quotes
They whose minds are least sensitive to calamity, and whose hands are most quick to meet it, are the greatest men and the greatest communities.
For so remarkably perverse is the nature of man that he despises whoever courts him, and admires whoever will not bend before him.
They are surely to be esteemed the bravest spirits who, having the clearest sense of both the pains and pleasures of life, do not on that account shrink from danger.
But the prize for courage will surely be awarded most justly to those who best know the difference between hardship and pleasure and yet are never tempted to shrink from danger.
He passes through life most securely who has least reason to reproach himself with complaisance toward his enemies.
The strong do what they have to do and the weak accept what they have to accept.
The Thracian people, like the bloodiest of the barbarians, being ever most murderous when it has nothing to fear.
We Greeks are lovers of the beautiful, yet simple in our tastes, and we cultivate the mind without loss of manliness.
I think the two things most opposed to good counsel are haste and passion; haste usaully goes hand in hand with folly, passion with coarseness and narrowness of mind.
I have often before now been convinced that a democracy is incapable of empire.
Still hope leads men to venture; and no one ever yet put himself in peril without the inward conviction that he would succeed in his design.
The secret of freedom, courage.
War is a matter not so much of arms as of money.
It is useless to attack men who could not be controlled even if conquered, while failure would leave us in an even worse position.
Most people, in fact, will not take the trouble in finding out the truth, but are much more inclined to accept the first story they hear.