Concessions to adversaries only end in self reproach, and the more strictly they are avoided the greater will be the chance of security.
THUCYDIDESStories happen to those who tell them.
More Thucydides Quotes
Contempt for an assailant is best shown by bravery in action.
Knowledge without understanding is useless.
I think the two things most opposed to good counsel are haste and passion; haste usaully goes hand in hand with folly, passion with coarseness and narrowness of mind.
Speculation is carried on in safety, but, when it comes to action, fear causes failure.
An avowal of poverty is no disgrace to any man; to make no effort to escape it is indeed disgraceful.
The strength of an Army lies in strict discipline and undeviating obedience to its officers.
It is the habit of mankind to entrust to careless hope what they long for, and to use sovereign reason to thrust aside what they do not desire.
And it is certain that those who do not yield to their equals, who keep terms with their superiors, and are moderate towards their inferiors, on the whole succeed best.
I dread our own mistakes more than the enemy’s intentions.
It is from the greatest dangers that the greatest glory is to be won.
Indeed it is generally the case that men are readier to call rogues clever than simpletons honest, and are ashamed of being the second as they are proud of being the first.
We secure our friends not by accepting favours but by doing them.
You shouldn’t feel sorry for the lifestyle you haven’t tasted, but for the one you are about to lose.
It is a general rule of human nature that people despise those who treat them well, and look up to those who make no concessions.
The peoples of the Mediterranean began to emerge from barbarism when they learned to cultivate the olive and the vine.