If you spend more and more money toward stuff, you lose focus on what matters most and lessen our ability to pursue it.
THOMAS DAVISIf you spend more and more money toward stuff, you lose focus on what matters most and lessen our ability to pursue it.
THOMAS DAVISThere are many ways to say “I love you, It doesn’t have to be with giving the gifts.
THOMAS DAVISLess stuff creates more opportunities, no matter the season.
THOMAS DAVISThe more stuff I buy, the more weighed down I felt.
THOMAS DAVISChange allows us to live as the best version of ourselves.
THOMAS DAVISThe most important ingredient of our life is our choices.
THOMAS DAVISAre you happy mentally or you just gain experience to express yourself happy?
THOMAS DAVISMore clothes mean more time doing laundry.
THOMAS DAVISMinimalism is clearing your mind of attachments and focusing on what matters most.
THOMAS DAVISTime never give you a second chance.
THOMAS DAVISLess stuff is more space to live life authentically.
THOMAS DAVISA person with no expectations is a pure minimalist.
THOMAS DAVISLiving with less stuff helps you tune into your relationships.
THOMAS DAVISLiving in a small space with less stuff makes more room for the things that matter.
THOMAS DAVISNo expectations mean more time to focus on what matters most.
THOMAS DAVISBeing present in the life of someone you love is the best gift you can offer.