It is the rare fortune of these days that one may think what one likes and say what one thinks.
TACITUSThe sciences throw an inexpressible grace over our compositions, even where they are not immediately concerned; as their effects are discernible where we least expect to find them.
More Tacitus Quotes
It is found by experience that admirable laws and right precedents among the good have their origin in the misdeeds of others.
A woman once fallen will shrink from no impropriety.
It is the nature of the human disposition to hate him whom you have injured.
Things forbidden have a secret charm.
Many who seem to be struggling with adversity are happy; many, amid great affluence, are utterly miserable.
A shocking crime was committed on the unscrupulous initiative of few individuals, with the blessing of more, and amid the passive acquiescence of all.
Flattery labors under the odious charge of servility.
All bodies are slow in growth but rapid in decay.
By general consent, he would have been capable of ruling, had he not ruled.
So obscure are the greatest events, as some take for granted any hearsay, whatever its source, others turn truth into falsehood, and both errors find encouragement with posterity.
The love of dominion is the most engrossing passion.
[That form of] eloquence, the foster-child of licence, which fools call liberty. [Lat., Eloquentia, alumna licentiae, quam stulti libertatem vocabant.]
All inconsiderate enterprises are impetuous at first, but soon lanquish. [Lat., Omnia inconsulti impetus coepta, initiis valida, spatio languescunt.]
Be assured those will be thy worst enemies, not to whom thou hast done evil, but who have done evil to thee. And those will be thy best friends, not to whom thou hast done good, but who have done good to thee.
Corruptisima republica plurimae leges.