Who the first inhabitants of Britain were, whether natives or immigrants, remains obscure; one must remember we are dealing with barbarians.
TACITUSNone grieve so ostentatiously as those who rejoice most in heart. [Lat., Nulla jactantius moerent quam qui maxime laetantur.]
More Tacitus Quotes
To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire; and where they make a wilderness, they call it peace.
Rumor does not always err; it sometimes even elects a man.
One who is allowed to sin, sins less
Eloquence wins its great and enduring fame quite as much from the benches of our opponents as from those of our friends.
The unknown always passes for the marvellous.
The principal office of history I take to be this: to prevent virtuous actions from being forgotten, and that evil words and deeds should fear an infamous reputation with posterity.
Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit, because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.
Miseram pacem vel bello bene mutari. Even war is preferable to a shameful peace.
This I regard as history’s highest function, to let no worthy action be uncommemorated, and to hold out the reprobation of posterity as a terror to evil words and deeds.
The sciences throw an inexpressible grace over our compositions, even where they are not immediately concerned; as their effects are discernible where we least expect to find them.
Every recreant who proved his timidity in the hour of danger, was afterwards boldest in words and tongue.
He (Tiberius) was wont to mock at the arts of physicians, and at those who, after thirty years of age, needed counsel as to what was good or bad for their bodies.
It is more reverent to believe in the works of the Deity than to comprehend them.
It belongs to human nature to hate those you have injured.
Abuse if you slight it, will gradually die away; but if you show yourself irritated, you will be thought to have deserved it.