He (Tiberius) was wont to mock at the arts of physicians, and at those who, after thirty years of age, needed counsel as to what was good or bad for their bodies.
TACITUSDeos fortioribus adesse. The gods support those who are stronger.
More Tacitus Quotes
Noble character is best appreciated in those ages in which it can most readily develop.
Eloquence wins its great and enduring fame quite as much from the benches of our opponents as from those of our friends.
In seasons of tumult and discord bad men have most power; mental and moral excellence require peace and quietness.
The repose of nations cannot be secure without arms, armies cannot be maintained without pay, nor can the pay be produced without taxes
The lust of dominion burns with a flame so fierce as to overpower all other affections of the human breast.
The powerful hold in deep remembrance an ill-timed pleasantry. [Lat., Facetiarum apud praepotentes in longum memoria est.]
Many who seem to be struggling with adversity are happy; many, amid great affluence, are utterly miserable.
By punishing men of talent we confirm their authority.
Power acquired by guilt was never used for a good purpose.
The love of fame is a love that even the wisest of men are reluctant to forgo.
Everything unknown is magnified. [Lat., Omne ignotum pro magnifico est.]
Modest fame is not to be despised by the highest characters. [Lat., Modestiae fama neque summis mortalibus spernenda est.]
To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire; and where they make a wilderness, they call it peace.
Conspicuous by his absence.
It is found by experience that admirable laws and right precedents among the good have their origin in the misdeeds of others.