Christianity is a pestilent superstition.
TACITUS[The Jews have] an attitude of hostility and hatred towards all others.
More Tacitus Quotes
The word liberty has been falsely used by persons who, being degenerately profligate in private life, and mischievous in public, had no hope left but in fomenting discord.
Eloquence wins its great and enduring fame quite as much from the benches of our opponents as from those of our friends.
The brave and bold persist even against fortune; the timid and cowardly rush to despair through fear alone. [Lat., Fortes et strenuos etiam contra fortunam insistere, timidos et ignoros ad desperationem formidine properare.]
Valor is of no service, chance rules all, and the bravest often fall by the hands of cowards.
A shocking crime was committed on the unscrupulous initiative of few individuals, with the blessing of more, and amid the passive acquiescence of all.
Neglected, calumny soon expires, show that you are hurt, and you give it the appearance of truth.
Those in supreme power always suspect and hate their next heir.
More faults are often committed while we are trying to oblige than while we are giving offense.
In seasons of tumult and discord bad men have most power; mental and moral excellence require peace and quietness.
Things are not to be judged good or bad merely because the public think so.
Whatever is unknown is magnified.
The sciences throw an inexpressible grace over our compositions, even where they are not immediately concerned; as their effects are discernible where we least expect to find them.
So obscure are the greatest events, as some take for granted any hearsay, whatever its source, others turn truth into falsehood, and both errors find encouragement with posterity.
The worst crimes were dared by a few, willed by more and tolerated by all.
The desire of glory is the last infirmity cast off even by the wise.