I just think I have too much anxiety to listen to music. Sometimes it feels like noise, and sometimes it’s so affecting that I can’t recover from it.
SZAI worry so much. Like, ‘Damn, how can I be excellent?’ But it’s a journey.
More SZA Quotes
I think we all do: I think we wonder if we’re supposed to be here if we’re doing the right thing, if we even want to be here. At least, I do all the time.
It starts with trusting yourself, even if people are telling you you’re too young to trust yourself.
I learned everything the hard way – like, literally, everything. I know that God does that to people that he has lessons for. I just wish that I had learned less extreme lessons.
I wasn’t popular in high school; I had no friends.
Control is not real, and I’m really understanding that every day. It’s about the acceptance of relinquishing control that makes it powerful for you.
I try to think of myself as a chic fishing grandpa aesthetically.
Especially when I’m nervous, my mind is running a mile a minute. My ADHD speaks for me before I can speak for me.
I don’t have any control over what actually happens except that I have full control over my will for myself, my intention, and why I’m there. That’s all that matters.
I have a really strong gluten allergy, and I’m pretty lactose-intolerant, like, in a big way, but I love cheese.
Blessed beyond measure to be with people who inspire me and have a vision beyond my wildest dreams.
I don’t have a background in music, and I have a short attention span. If you put me in the studio every day, I’m gonna get lost.
On Halloween, because we don’t celebrate it, my dad would drive me somewhere, anywhere different. Like Little Italy in New York to walk around and teach me all about the food and culture.
I was raised orthodox Muslim. Very sheltered, very conservative.
I want to excel at something, to follow through, to not be afraid.
Every day I grapple between ‘I’m going to get married’ and ‘I’m going to spend the rest of my life alone with a poodle.’