Father if you don’t take me any further I honor the gifts you’ve given me thus far.
SZAEvery day I grapple between ‘I’m going to get married’ and ‘I’m going to spend the rest of my life alone with a poodle.’
More SZA Quotes
Your energy told me what your mouth couldn’t.
My music is touching people in whatever spaces they need to be touched in.
Listening to Alabama Shakes made me less self-conscious about my voice.
I don’t have a background in music, and I have a short attention span. If you put me in the studio every day, I’m gonna get lost.
My anxiety stems from my lack of control no matter what.
I used to be very revenge-motivated, but that’s just because I’m a Scorpio. Now I’m more so, like, practice honesty just because it makes you feel better.
I feel like when you say ‘activist,’ you have to have so much clarity, and I don’t always necessarily have so much clarity on how I want to help others, I just have this weird, deep urge to help other people. I’m trying to let God guide my body and use it as whatever kind of vehicle or vessel it needs to be.
I made this and have too much to say about it.
I’m a visual learner, so the film is a huge inspiration to me.
Every day I pray to see myself the way God and others see me.
I definitely get inspiration from the ‘gram. I mean, Instagram is Google, essentially. I love looking at pictures of beautiful women.
I hate being outside more than I can explain. I really have debilitating anxiety.
As long as you’re being honest and there’s the intention in what you’re doing, then I think that energy permeates your field and becomes like a homing signal for other people with like energies.
I wasn’t popular in high school; I had no friends.
I don’t want to speak negativity into existence.