Our appreciations, it was felt, could be so much more inclusive if we said that something, instead of being beautiful, was ‘interesting’.
SUSAN SONTAGOur appreciations, it was felt, could be so much more inclusive if we said that something, instead of being beautiful, was ‘interesting’.
SUSAN SONTAGMy idea of a writer: someone interested in everything.
SUSAN SONTAGTime eventually positions most photographs, even the most amateurish, at the level of art.
SUSAN SONTAGI want to be able to be alone, to find it nourishing – not just a waiting.
SUSAN SONTAGTo paraphrase several sages: Nobody can think and hit someone at the same time.
SUSAN SONTAG10 percent of any population is cruel, no matter what, and 10 percent is merciful, no matter what, and the remaining 80 percent can be moved in either direction.
SUSAN SONTAGSelf-respect. It would make me lovable. And it’s the secret to good sex.
SUSAN SONTAGIntelligence is really a kind of taste: taste in ideas.
SUSAN SONTAGSocieties need to have one illness which becomes identified with evil, and attaches blame to its victims.
SUSAN SONTAGIn the valley of sorrow, spread your wings.
SUSAN SONTAGBooks are funny little portable pieces of thought.
SUSAN SONTAGOne doesn’t need to know the artist’s private intentions. The work tells all.
SUSAN SONTAGI don’t care about someone being intelligent; any situation between people, when they are really human with each other, produces ‘intelligence.
SUSAN SONTAGBeing in love means being willing to ruin yourself for the other person.
SUSAN SONTAGLife is a movie; death is a photograph.
SUSAN SONTAGMost people in this society who aren’t actively mad are, at best, reformed or potential lunatics.