In some parts of life, like mathematics and science, yeah, I was a genius. I would top all the top scores you could ever measure it by.

In some parts of life, like mathematics and science, yeah, I was a genius. I would top all the top scores you could ever measure it by.
STEVE WOZNIAKTo give of yourself is much more important than giving a gift you can buy.
STEVE WOZNIAKAll the best people in life seem to like LINUX.
STEVE WOZNIAKYoung children were always so important to me. Adults should treat children with more respect. We should put more monies in our schools. I grew up on that side of the coin.
STEVE WOZNIAKIt’s just not right that so many things don’t work when they should. I don’t think that will change for a long time.
STEVE WOZNIAKI was born to teach. I have always had this gift with children.
STEVE WOZNIAKBack in high school I told my dad, “I’m going to have a computer someday.” And he said that it cost as much as a house-the downpayment on a house. And I said, “Well, I’ll live in an apartment.”
STEVE WOZNIAKThe best things that capture your imagination are ones you hadn’t thought of before and that aren’t talked about in the news all the time.
STEVE WOZNIAKWith the cloud, you don’t own anything. You already signed it away.
STEVE WOZNIAKI learned not to worry so much about the outcome, but to concentrate on the step I was on and to try to do it as perfectly as I could when I was doing it.
STEVE WOZNIAKCreative things have to sell to get acknowledged as such.
STEVE WOZNIAKIf you love what you do and are willing to do what it takes, it’s within your reach.
STEVE WOZNIAKYou’d better have the technology knowledge. I really urge you not to think you can start a whole company and business with just ideas on paper, because you’ll end up owning so few of those ideas.
STEVE WOZNIAKEven if you do something that others might consider wrong, you should at least be willing to talk about it and tell your parents what you’re doing because you believe it’s right.
STEVE WOZNIAKBill Gates did predict that computers for people made sense because he wrote a basic.
STEVE WOZNIAKI absolutely do not need a salary or a job, that’s the last thing I need.