At a distance, we cannot conceive of the authority of a despot who knows all his subjects on sight.
STENDHALIf you want to be witty, work on your character and say what you think on every occasion.
More Stendhal Quotes
In matters of sentiment, the public has very crude ideas; and the most shocking fault of women is that they make the public the supreme judge of their lives.
One of the traits of genius is not to drag its thought through the rut worn by vulgar minds.
Any man who talks about his love affairs thereby proves he is ignorant of love and is moved only by vanity.
One-half, the finest half, of life is hidden from the man who does not love with passion.
The boredom of married life inevitable destroys love, when love has preceded marriage.
All religions are founded on the fear of the many and the cleverness of the few.
The pleasures of love are always in proportion to our fears.
To seem sorrowful is not in good taste: You’re supposed to seem bored.
The great majority of men, especially in France, both desire and possess a fashionable woman, much in the way one might own a fine horse – as a luxury befitting a young man.
The difference breeds hatred.
Every great action is extreme when it is undertaken. Only after it has been accomplished does it seem possible to those creatures of more common stuff.
An English traveller relates how he lived upon intimate terms with a tiger; he had reared it and used to play with it, but always kept a loaded pistol on the table.
If you don’t love me, it does not matter, anyway I can love for both of us.
When a man leaves his mistress, he runs the risk of being betrayed two or three times daily.
Who knows whether it is not true that phosphorus and mind are not the same thing?