Almost all our misfortunes in life come from the wrong notions we have about the things that happen to us.
STENDHALThere is no such thing as “natural law”: this expression is nothing but old nonsense… Prior to laws, what is natural is only the strength of the lion, or the need of the creature suffering from hunger or cold, in short, need.
More Stendhal Quotes
Life is too short, and the time we waste in yawning never can be regained.
One can acquire everything in solitude except character.
The man of genius is he and he alone who finds such joy in his art that he will work at it come hell or high water.
Prudery is a kind of avarice, the worst of all.
When intimacy followed love in Italy there were no longer any vain pretensions between two lovers.
To find love in Paris you must go down among those classes where the absence of education and of vanity, and the struggle for bare necessities, have allowed more energy to survive.
Sometimes the impact of Mozart’s music is so immediate that the vision in the mind remains blurred and incomplete, while the soul seems to be directly invaded, drenched in wave upon wave of melancholy.
Power, after love, is the first source of happiness.
Politics in the middle of things of the imagination is like a pistol shot in the middle of a concert.
The pleasures of love are always in proportion to our fears.
Napoleon was indeed the man sent by God to help the youth of France! Who is to take his place?
Friendship has its illusions no less than love.
One-half, the finest half, of life is hidden from the man who does not love with passion.
In love, unlike most other passions, the recollection of what you have had and lost is always better than what you can hope for in the future.
A novel is like a bow, and the violin that produces the sound is the reader’s soul.