Man is not free to refuse to do the thing which gives him more pleasure than any other conceivable action.
STENDHALAny man who talks about his love affairs thereby proves he is ignorant of love and is moved only by vanity.
More Stendhal Quotes
The ordinary procedure of the nineteenth century is that when a powerful and noble personage encounters a man of feeling, he kills, exiles, imprisons or so humiliates him that the other, like a fool, dies of grief.
Love is a well from which we can drink only as much as we have put in, and the stars that shine from it are only our eyes looking in.
The English are, I think the most obtuse and barbarous people in the world
It is with blows dealt by public contempt that a husband kills his wife in the nineteenth century; it is by shutting the doors ofall the drawing-rooms in her face.
If you think of paying court to the men in power, your eternal ruin is assured.
If you want to be witty, work on your character and say what you think on every occasion.
There is no such thing as “natural law”: this expression is nothing but old nonsense… Prior to laws, what is natural is only the strength of the lion, or the need of the creature suffering from hunger or cold, in short, need.
To be loved at first sight, a man should have at the same time something to respect and something to pity in his face.
It is from cowardice and not from want of enlightenment that we do not read in our own hearts.
People who have been made to suffer by certain things cannot be reminded of them without a horror which paralyses every other pleasure, even that to be found in reading a story.
Every great action is extreme when it is undertaken. Only after it has been accomplished does it seem possible to those creatures of more common stuff.
But, if I sample this pleasure so prudently and circumspectly, it will no longer be a pleasure.
The sight of anything extremely beautiful, in nature or in art, brings back the memory of what one loves, with the speed of lightning.
One-half, the finest half, of life is hidden from the man who does not love with passion.
Perhaps men who cannot love passionately are those who feel the effect of beauty most keenly; at any rate this is the strongest impression women can make on them.