This religion takes away the courage of thinking of unusual things and prohibits self-examination above all as the most egregious of sins. It is one step away from protestantism.
STENDHALIn love, unlike most other passions, the recollection of what you have had and lost is always better than what you can hope for in the future.
More Stendhal Quotes
A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love.
I am mad, I am going under, I must follow the advice of a friend, and pay no heed to myself.
Life is very short, and it ought not to be spent crawling at the feet of miserable scoundrels.
Indeed, man has two different beings inside him. What devil thought of that malicious touch?
But, if I sample this pleasure so prudently and circumspectly, it will no longer be a pleasure.
Who knows whether it is not true that phosphorus and mind are not the same thing?
An English traveller relates how he lived upon intimate terms with a tiger; he had reared it and used to play with it, but always kept a loaded pistol on the table.
Far less envy in America than in France.
The ordinary procedure of the nineteenth century is that when a powerful and noble personage encounters a man of feeling, he kills, exiles, imprisons or so humiliates him that the other, like a fool, dies of grief.
It is from cowardice and not from want of enlightenment that we do not read in our own hearts.
Man is not free to refuse to do the thing which gives him more pleasure than any other conceivable action.
Any man who talks about his love affairs thereby proves he is ignorant of love and is moved only by vanity.
Logic is neither an art nor a science but a dodge.
It is better to have a prosaic husband and to take a romantic lover.
In our calling, we have to choose; we must make our fortune either in this world or in the next, there is no middle way.