Sometimes the impact of Mozart’s music is so immediate that the vision in the mind remains blurred and incomplete, while the soul seems to be directly invaded, drenched in wave upon wave of melancholy.
STENDHALA very small matter, when all is said; only a fool would be concerned about it.
More Stendhal Quotes
A woman of generous character will sacrifice her life a thousand times over for her lover, but will break with him for ever over a question of pride.
Beauty is nothing other than the promise of happiness.
Your career will be a painful one. I divine something in you which offends the vulgar.
The man of genius is he and he alone who finds such joy in his art that he will work at it come hell or high water.
If you want to be witty, work on your character and say what you think on every occasion.
If you don’t love me, it does not matter, anyway I can love for both of us.
There is no such thing as “natural law”: this expression is nothing but old nonsense… Prior to laws, what is natural is only the strength of the lion, or the need of the creature suffering from hunger or cold, in short, need.
The first qualification for a historian is to have no ability to invent.
It is difficult to escape from the prevailing disease of one’s generation.
Great ladies are no more spiteful than the average rich woman; but one acquires in their society a greater susceptibility, and feels more profoundly andmore irremediably, their unpleasant remarks.
After moral poisoning, one requires physical remedies and a bottle of champagne.
Mathematics allows for no hypocrisy and no vagueness.
Love is like a fever which comes and goes quite independently of the will. There are no age limits for love.
The idea which tyrants find most useful is the idea of God.
Napoleon was indeed the man sent by God to help the youth of France! Who is to take his place?