One can acquire everything in solitude except character.
STENDHALBut, if I sample this pleasure so prudently and circumspectly, it will no longer be a pleasure.
More Stendhal Quotes
Wounded pride can take a rich young man far who is surrounded by flatterers since birth.
If you want to be witty, work on your character and say what you think on every occasion.
Love is a well from which we can drink only as much as we have put in, and the stars that shine from it are only our eyes looking in.
When you want to court a woman, court her sister first
Sometimes the impact of Mozart’s music is so immediate that the vision in the mind remains blurred and incomplete, while the soul seems to be directly invaded, drenched in wave upon wave of melancholy.
It is better to have a prosaic husband and to take a romantic lover.
The man of genius is he and he alone who finds such joy in his art that he will work at it come hell or high water.
Only great minds can afford a simple style.
A novel is a mirror which passes over a highway. Sometimes it reflects to your eyes the blue of the skies, at others the churned-up mud of the road.
When a man leaves his mistress, he runs the risk of being betrayed two or three times daily.
People happy in love have an air of intensity.
To describe happiness is to diminish it.
Love is like fever; it comes and goes without the will having any part of the process.
A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love.
The tyranny of public opinion (and what an opinion!) is as fatuous in the small towns of France as it is in the United States of America.