Now that the steam engine rules the world, a title is an absurdity, still I am all dressed up in this title. It will crush me if Ido not support it. The title attracts attention to myself.
STENDHALFar less envy in America than in France.
More Stendhal Quotes
True love makes the thought of death frequent, easy, without terrors; it merely becomes the standard of comparison, the price one would pay for many things.
An English traveller relates how he lived upon intimate terms with a tiger; he had reared it and used to play with it, but always kept a loaded pistol on the table.
A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love.
Man is not free to refuse to do the thing which gives him more pleasure than any other conceivable action.
A novel is a mirror carried along a main road.
Every great action is extreme when it is undertaken. Only after it has been accomplished does it seem possible to those creatures of more common stuff.
People who have been made to suffer by certain things cannot be reminded of them without a horror which paralyses every other pleasure, even that to be found in reading a story.
Love has always been the most important business in my life; I should say the only one.
I love her beauty, but I fear her mind.
To describe happiness is to diminish it.
After moral poisoning, one requires physical remedies and a bottle of champagne.
The first qualification for a historian is to have no ability to invent.
A man who is half an idiot, but who keeps a sharp lookout and acts prudently all his life, often enjoys the pleasure of triumphing over men of more imagination than he.
In our calling, we have to choose; we must make our fortune either in this world or in the next, there is no middle way.
Mathematics allows for no hypocrisy and no vagueness.