The boredom of married life inevitable destroys love, when love has preceded marriage.
STENDHALBecause one has little fear of shocking vanity in Italy, people adopt an intimate tone very quickly and discuss personal things.
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The sight of anything extremely beautiful, in nature or in art, brings back the memory of what one loves, with the speed of lightning.
When intimacy followed love in Italy there were no longer any vain pretensions between two lovers.
It is with blows dealt by public contempt that a husband kills his wife in the nineteenth century; it is by shutting the doors ofall the drawing-rooms in her face.
I am mad, I am going under, I must follow the advice of a friend, and pay no heed to myself.
At a distance, we cannot conceive of the authority of a despot who knows all his subjects on sight.
If you think of paying court to the men in power, your eternal ruin is assured.
One of the traits of genius is not to drag its thought through the rut worn by vulgar minds.
Napoleon was indeed the man sent by God to help the youth of France! Who is to take his place?
Love is like a fever which comes and goes quite independently of the will. There are no age limits for love.
It is the nobility of their style which will make our writers of 1840 unreadable forty years from now.
The only unhappiness is a life of boredom.
Only great minds can afford a simple style.
Nothing is so hideous as an obsolete fashion.
I think no woman I have had ever gave me so sweet a moment, or at so light a price, as the moment I owe to a newly heard musical phrase.
Life is too short, and the time we waste in yawning never can be regained.