Far less envy in America than in France.
STENDHALThe English are, I think the most obtuse and barbarous people in the world
More Stendhal Quotes
The first virtue of a young man today – that is, for the next fifty years perhaps, as long as we live in fear, and religion has regained its powers – is to be incapable of enthusiasm and not to have much in the way of brains.
I do not feel I have wisdom enough yet to love what is ugly.
The English are, I think the most obtuse and barbarous people in the world
She had caprices of a marvellous unexpectedness, and how is any one to imitate a caprice?
Life is too short, and the time we waste in yawning never can be regained.
One of the traits of genius is not to drag its thought through the rut worn by vulgar minds.
People are less self-conscious in the intimacy of family life and during the anxiety of a great sorrow. The dazzling varnish of an extreme politeness is then less in evidence, and the true qualities of the heart regain their proper proportions.
Mathematics allows for no hypocrisy and no vagueness.
To find love in Paris you must go down among those classes where the absence of education and of vanity, and the struggle for bare necessities, have allowed more energy to survive.
In our calling, we have to choose; we must make our fortune either in this world or in the next, there is no middle way.
Women are always eagerly on the lookout for any emotion.
The difference breeds hatred.
If you don’t love me, it does not matter, anyway I can love for both of us.
The man of genius is he and he alone who finds such joy in his art that he will work at it come hell or high water.
To describe happiness is to diminish it.