It is not enough for a landscape to be interesting in itself. Eventually there must be a moral and historic interest.
STENDHALIt is the nobility of their style which will make our writers of 1840 unreadable forty years from now.
More Stendhal Quotes
If you think of paying court to the men in power, your eternal ruin is assured.
Nothing is so hideous as an obsolete fashion.
The more a race is governed by its passions, the less it has acquired the habit of cautious and reasoned argument, the more intense will be its love of music.
Women are always eagerly on the lookout for any emotion.
Now that the steam engine rules the world, a title is an absurdity, still I am all dressed up in this title. It will crush me if Ido not support it. The title attracts attention to myself.
I think being condemned to death is the only real distinction,” said Mathilde. “It is the only thing which cannot be bought.
The only unhappiness is a life of boredom.
Women prefer emotions to reasoning.
The English are, I think the most obtuse and barbarous people in the world
At a distance, we cannot conceive of the authority of a despot who knows all his subjects on sight.
Mathematics allows for no hypocrisy and no vagueness.
A very small matter, when all is said; only a fool would be concerned about it.
Almost all our misfortunes in life come from the wrong notions we have about the things that happen to us.
If you want to be witty, work on your character and say what you think on every occasion.
The boredom of married life inevitable destroys love, when love has preceded marriage.