Someday, someone will love this universe the way that it is and that someone will be you. Someday, someone will love you the way that you are and that someone will be you.
SHAMADon’t try too hard to make your galaxy shine in front of everyone, not every star shines from the other galaxy.
More Shama Quotes
You tell me its going to be okay, tell me, is it really what you believe? Or is it a mere illusion you continue to paint for me.
How much sadness can you contain inside your heart? How much more darling, till it gets enough?
Don’t try too hard to make your galaxy shine in front of everyone, not every star shines from the other galaxy.
The charm in her laughter covered the depth of her tears.
Remember that your purpose is indeed to be nothing else but YOU, all that you are and all that you want to be.
Today, the sky seems a little more blue. Now I don’t feel as lonely without you.
She used kindness as her weapon to win the battles agaisnst cruelty.
Admist the darkness, she tried to hold on to her yellow laughter.
Her smile faded as the world erased it.
Some heartahes, you just have to make peace with.
Do we break our own heart too? Tell me, don’t we all do? Every time you lock it up, ignoring what it tells you, doesn’t it break a little too?
Oh moonlight, continue to shine on me. As you light up the sky, maybe some peace will come to me.
There are galaxies inside of me for each emotion I feel. One for each; happiness, anger, sadness and one is hollow, for that too, is sometimes how I feel.
You tell me I will end up where I’m meant to be. So I ask you, Do I have the rights to be disappointed in that destiny?
She drank up the moonlight to make her soul shine.