I think love is something that you have to work on, and it develops over experience and time. Love is a practice.
SHAKIRAI just don’t find marriage a necessary step in a couple’s life.
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My videos represent the artist in me very well, but not the kind of woman I am.
I have no idea where I want to go musically, but I’m fine that way. I don’t need to be faithful to any concept, you know.
My body feels like it is asking to reproduce.
I feel a real sense of duty to use the voice and the platform I’ve been afforded by my fame to speak out for those whose voices don’t get a chance to be heard.
When you have a baby, when you feel his love, you feel so at peace with the world. You just want to share the good news and share how happy you feel.
The worst frustration for a singer is choosing a career in making music and then not being able to make music because you’re always giving interviews.
I was unaware of the dispute in Brooklyn. I would never knowingly wear any clothes or support any company who produced clothing with alleged wage and labor violations.
I’m Colombian and nothing will change that.
The ALAS Foundation was born as a consequence and a continuation of what we are doing with Pies Descalzos.
Becoming a mom forced me to re-prioritize and make room for the things that are most important, while recognizing that there are things I can let go of, and the world won’t crumble around me.
I like fragrances that have some sweetness to them. All three I have developed have that as a common element.
I do take advantage of, you know, feeling sensual and feeling sexy.
I think, that if you can prove the existence of God, it can only be proven through love.
Being raised in a developing country opened my eyes to so much I cannot tolerate. In Colombia, education is sometimes considered a luxury, not a human right. And it’s not a priority in the agendas of many leaders.
I love food, and I’m a chronic over-orderer at restaurants.