I’m remembering again, how loneliness has always made me brave.
SCHUYLERI know I could be an astronomer of this swooning.
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I allow myself to be a weathervane; receive every feeling that greets the shore of me.
I still know the fabric of where I begin and end.
My love lives in my cheeks – gives me away by the first smile. all the lines from years spent laughing, warm with extra freckles in the summer; a poker face that doesn’t keep once my knees fold.
I never lose pieces of me, I just gain new understanding.
In a dream, I’m holding you close and when I wake, I do. How lucky, to want and have.
I’m choosing to believe things are getting better again. The give and take of joy, remembering a few days of ache does not mean forever.
The world will be loud again. I’ll notice the loneliness less.
Please come here, but not too close.
I will still live like a ghost in the mornings; walking, listening, pouring coffee to finish sometime by the afternoon, when I’ve had enough of watching the world and do all I can to live in it.
In a dream, my fingertips pulse. I’ll be patient in my blooming. In a dream, I let time pass through open hands.
I sit on the bare floor, leave my palms unturned, and watch relief pool into one hand, and uncertainty in the next. I will try not to lean more one way or another, but let them hold each other as company.
Yes, this life is mine, but more often I watch it take place and my hands feel too far away to touch it.
Change is not a four letter curse word I once believed it to be.
Hold me here, where I feel less like a stranger to my own laughter. Where it’s easier to believe things happen for a reason or maybe, at least, out of a thousand winding roads my life might take, I will still find one that fits me.
I know I could be an astronomer of this swooning.