I shall be so brief that I have already finished.
I shall be so brief that I have already finished.
SALVADOR DALII am the first to be surprised and often terrified by the images that I see appear on my canvas.
SALVADOR DALIMustache? Mustache? Mustache?” Nobody dared to touch them. This was my test regarding the sacred aspect of mustaches.
SALVADOR DALIIt is not necessary for the public to know whether I am joking or whether I am serious, just as it is not necessary for me to know it myself.
SALVADOR DALIGive me two hours a day of activity, and I’ll take the other twenty-two in dreams.
SALVADOR DALIForever will be you and me.
SALVADOR DALIMy art is capable of liberating man from the tyranny of the practical, rational world.
SALVADOR DALIAn elegant woman is a woman who despises you and has no hair under her arms.
SALVADOR DALIPhysiological expenditure is a superficial way of self-expression. People who incline toward physical love accomplish nothing at all.
SALVADOR DALIDon’t bother about being modern. Unfortunately it is the one thing that, whatever you do, you cannot avoid.
SALVADOR DALIThe secret of my influence has always been that it remained secret.
SALVADOR DALIThe difference between false memories and true ones is the same as for jewels: it is always the false ones that look the most real, the most brilliant.
SALVADOR DALIRight now I’m the greatest. I don’t say this through vanity. It’s just that the rest are so bad.
SALVADOR DALIWars have never hurt anybody except the people who die.
SALVADOR DALIThe problem with the youth of today’ is that one is no longer part of it.
SALVADOR DALIThe sole difference between myself and a madman is the fact that I am not mad.