All those who offer an opinion on any doubtful point should first clear their minds of every sentiment of dislike, friendship, anger or pity.
SALLUSTMost honorable are services rendered to the State; even if they do not go beyond words, they are not to be despised.
More Sallust Quotes
The Gods being good and making all things, there is no positive evil, it only comes by absence of good; just as darkness itself does not exist, but only comes about by absence of light.
Advise well before you begin, and when you have maturely considered, then act with promptitude.
Those most moved to tears by every word of a preacher are generally weak and a rascal when the feelings evaporate.
A good man prefers to suffer rather than overcome injustice with evil.
All persons who are enthusiastic that they should transcend the other animals ought to strive with the utmost effort not to pass through a life of silence, like cattle, which nature has fashioned to be prone and obedient to their stomachs.
In my opinion, he only may be truly said to live and enjoy his being who is engaged in some laudable pursuit, and acquires a name by some illustrious action, or useful art.
Of the bodies in the cosmos, some imitate mind and move in orbits; some imitate soul and move in a straight line, fire and air upward, earth and water downward.
Few men desire liberty; most men wish only for a just master.
Enough words, little wisdom.
Everything that rises sets, and everything that grows, grows old.
In my own case, who have spent my whole life in the practice of virtue, right conduct from habitual has become natural.
It is impossible that there should be so much providence in the last details, and none in the first principles. Then the arts of prophecy and of healing, which are part of the cosmos, come of the good providence of the Gods.
Prosperity tries the souls even of the wise.
No grief reaches the dead.
Every bad precedent originated as a justifiable measure.