Since we have received everything from the Gods, and it is right to pay the giver some tithe of his gifts, we pay such a tithe of possessions in votive offering, of bodies in gifts of (hair and) adornment, and of life in sacrifices.
SALLUSTThe renown which riches or beauty confer is fleeting and frail mental excellence is a splendid and lasting possession.
More Sallust Quotes
By the wicked the good conduct of others is always dreaded.
The higher your station, the less your liberty.
The very life which we enjoy is short.
The glory of ancestors sheds a light around posterity; it allows neither good nor bad qualities to remain in obscurity.
Few men desire liberty; most men wish only for a just master.
Deliberate before you begin; but, having carefully done so, execute with vigour.
It is a law of human nature that in victory even the coward may boast of his prowess, while defeat injures the reputation even of the brave.
Neither soldiers nor money can defend a king but only friends won by good deeds, merit, and honesty.
No man underestimates the wrongs he suffers; many take them more seriously than is right.
Those most moved to tears by every word of a preacher are generally weak and a rascal when the feelings evaporate.
But assuredly Fortune rules in all things; she raised to eminence or buries in oblivion everything from caprice rather than from well-regulated principle.
Harmony makes small things grow; lack of it makes great things decay.
The glory of wealth and of beauty is fleeting and frail; virtue is illustrious and everlasting.
A good man would prefer to be defeated than to defeat injustice by evil means.
We employ the mind to rule, the body to serve.