The glory of ancestors sheds a light around posterity; it allows neither good nor bad qualities to remain in obscurity.
SALLUSTA good man prefers to suffer rather than overcome injustice with evil.
More Sallust Quotes
Greedy for the property of others, extravagant with his own
In my opinion it is less shameful for a king to be overcome by force of arms than by bribery.
All those who offer an opinion on any doubtful point should first clear their minds of every sentiment of dislike, friendship, anger or pity.
Before you act consider; when you have considered, tis fully time to act.
Neither soldiers nor money can defend a king but only friends won by good deeds, merit, and honesty.
The man who is roused neither by glory nor by danger it is in vain to exhort; terror closes the ears of the mind.
Do as much as possible, and talk of yourself as little as possible.
The soul is the captain and ruler of the life of morals.
The Romans assisted their allies and friends, and acquired friendships by giving rather than receiving kindness.
The firmest friendship is based on an identity of likes and dislikes.
Everything rises but to fall, and increases but to decay.
It is always easy enough to take up arms, but very difficult to lay them down; the commencement and the termination of war are not necessarily in the same hands; even a coward may begin, but the end comes only when the victors are willing.
Kings are more prone to mistrust the good than the bad; and they are always afraid of the virtues of others.
Every bad precedent originated as a justifiable measure.
It is better to use fair means and fail, than foul and conquer.