Among intellectual pursuits, one of the most useful is the recording of past events.
SALLUSTHarmony makes small things grow; lack of it makes great things decay.
More Sallust Quotes
One can ever assume to be what he is not, and to conceal what he is.
Neither the army nor the treasury, but friends, are the true supports of the throne; for friends cannot be collected by force of arms, nor purchased with money; they are the offspring of kindness and sincerity.
When the prizes fall to the lot of the wicked, you will not find many who are virtuous for virtue’s sake.
The very life which we enjoy is short.
A good man prefers to suffer rather than overcome injustice with evil.
Ambition breaks the ties of blood, and forgets the obligations of gratitude.
Since we have received everything from the Gods, and it is right to pay the giver some tithe of his gifts, we pay such a tithe of possessions in votive offering, of bodies in gifts of (hair and) adornment, and of life in sacrifices.
It is always easy enough to take up arms, but very difficult to lay them down; the commencement and the termination of war are not necessarily in the same hands; even a coward may begin, but the end comes only when the victors are willing.
It is better to use fair means and fail, than foul and conquer.
It is always easy to begin a war, but very difficult to stop one.
Necessity makes even the timid brave.
Small communities grow great through harmony, great ones fall to pieces through discord.
Not by vows nor by womanish prayers is the help of the gods obtained; success comes through vigilance, energy, wise counsel.
In my own case, who have spent my whole life in the practice of virtue, right conduct from habitual has become natural.
For men who had easily endured hardship, danger and difficult uncertainty, leisure and riches, though in some ways desirable, proved burdensome and a source of grief.