Everything destroyed is either resolved into the elements from which it came, or else vanishes into not-being. If things are resolved into the elements from which they came, then there will be others: else how did they come into being at all?
SALLUSTEverything that rises sets, and everything that grows, grows old.
More Sallust Quotes
Few men desire liberty; most men wish only for a just master.
The fame that goes with wealth and beauty is fleeting and fragile; intellectual superiority is a possession glorious and eternal.
There were few who preferred honor to money.
When the prizes fall to the lot of the wicked, you will not find many who are virtuous for virtue’s sake.
The Gods being good and making all things, there is no positive evil, it only comes by absence of good; just as darkness itself does not exist, but only comes about by absence of light.
It is sweet to surve one country by deeds, and it is not absurd to surve her by words.
Not by vows nor by womanish prayers is the help of the gods obtained; success comes through vigilance, energy, wise counsel.
Harmony makes small things grow; lack of it makes great things decay.
Of the cosmic Gods some make the world be, others animate it, others harmonize it, consisting as it does of different elements; the fourth class keep it when harmonized.
The man who is roused neither by glory nor by danger it is in vain to exhort; terror closes the ears of the mind.
To have the same desires and the same aversion is assuredly a firm bond of friendship.
Small endeavours obtain strength by unity of action: the most powerful are broken down by discord.
It is impossible that there should be so much providence in the last details, and none in the first principles. Then the arts of prophecy and of healing, which are part of the cosmos, come of the good providence of the Gods.
The poorest of men are the most useful to those seeking power.
Deliberate before you begin; but, having carefully done so, execute with vigour.