In victory even the cowardly like to boast, while in adverse times even the brave are discredited.
SALLUSTAll who consult on doubtful matters, should be void of hatred, friendship, anger, and pity.
More Sallust Quotes
A good man would prefer to be defeated than to defeat injustice by evil means.
Advise well before you begin, and when you have maturely considered, then act with promptitude.
Ambition drove many men to become false; to have one thought locked in the breast, another ready on the tongue.
No man underestimates the wrongs he suffers; many take them more seriously than is right.
But the case has proved that to be true which Appius says in his songs, that each man is the maker of his own fate.
It is sweet to surve one country by deeds, and it is not absurd to surve her by words.
As the blessings of health and fortune have a beginning, so they must also find an end. Everything rises but to fall, and increases but to decay.
Enough words, little wisdom.
It is always easy enough to take up arms, but very difficult to lay them down; the commencement and the termination of war are not necessarily in the same hands; even a coward may begin, but the end comes only when the victors are willing.
The renown which riches or beauty confer is fleeting and frail mental excellence is a splendid and lasting possession.
Greedy for the property of others, extravagant with his own
The higher your station, the less your liberty.
To someone seeking power, the poorest man is the most useful.
Everything destroyed is either resolved into the elements from which it came, or else vanishes into not-being. If things are resolved into the elements from which they came, then there will be others: else how did they come into being at all?
It is better to use fair means and fail, than foul and conquer.