To hope for safety in flight, when you have turned away from the enemy the arms by which the body is defended, is indeed madness. In battle those who are most afraid are always in most danger; but courage is equivalent to rampart.
SALLUSTFame is the shadow of passion standing in the light.
More Sallust Quotes
All who consult on doubtful matters, should be void of hatred, friendship, anger, and pity.
Advise well before you begin, and when you have maturely considered, then act with promptitude.
In my opinion it is less shameful for a king to be overcome by force of arms than by bribery.
As the blessings of health and fortune have a beginning, so they must also find an end. Everything rises but to fall, and increases but to decay.
It is always easy to begin a war, but very difficult to stop one.
All men who would surpass the other animals should do their best not to pass through life silently like the beasts whom nature made prone, obedient to their bellies.
Not by vows nor by womanish prayers is the help of the gods obtained; success comes through vigilance, energy, wise counsel.
Of the bodies in the cosmos, some imitate mind and move in orbits; some imitate soul and move in a straight line, fire and air upward, earth and water downward.
The Gods being good and making all things, there is no positive evil, it only comes by absence of good; just as darkness itself does not exist, but only comes about by absence of light.
Ambition breaks the ties of blood, and forgets the obligations of gratitude.
But few prize honour more than money.
Small communities grow great through harmony, great ones fall to pieces through discord.
By the wicked the good conduct of others is always dreaded.
To someone seeking power, the poorest man is the most useful.
Since we have received everything from the Gods, and it is right to pay the giver some tithe of his gifts, we pay such a tithe of possessions in votive offering, of bodies in gifts of (hair and) adornment, and of life in sacrifices.